jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

My favourite piece of technology. 

I will start by saying that I am not very attached to the technological piece. I have several, but I have them because I need them to be able to carry out my work and my studies, it has also become essential, especially in these time of confinement at home.

My favorite pieces is my computer. The truth is nothing special, it is only a Mac computer that I mainly use to carry out my work and my studies. I have had it for 4 year, and I keep information on books, university works, and artistic works.

I use it on a daily basis, especially at this time. I spend more hours than I would like, the truth is I try to restrict my hours in front of the computer as much as possible. I like the way I can access information, and I can organize it for when I need it. Honestly, I believe that life without a computer would not be the same, it has become a fundamental part of leading modern life. 
Why did you choose this career/study programme?

From my school stage I had a greater interest in the humanities and the arts, so my study options were always linked to those areas.

Initially, I wanted to be an actor or anthropologist, because this brought together my areas of interest. Over time, my interests shifted to writing and philosophy, and since them I have had an interest in History of Art. Finally, I entered the career the Bachelor of Theory and History ofArt at The Universidad de Chile and, at the same time, I began taking dance classes semi-professionally.

My experience at the University has been quite good. I have tried to take advantage of opportunities to learn from different areas of knowledge, and to make friendships (few friendships) but that I have kept for years. 

My favourite piece of technology.  I will start by saying that I am not very attached to the technological piece. I have several, but I ha...